Zero Climate Emissions

Zero Climate Emissions (85)

Posturing of Senate Democrats with clever Keystone XL amendments does nothing to impress pipeline opponents. After winning back majority control in November's elections, Republicans in the U.S. Senate will begin the new congressional session on Tuesday by introducing a bill calling for the immediate approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

Stemming from a protest last year, six of those arrested for trying to shut down tar sands operation now face the possibility of years in jail. Of the 21 protesters arrested in July of last year in Utah for participating in a direct action aimed at stopping operations at the first tar sands mining operation in the United States, six have now been charged with 'rioting' by local prosecutors.

A promising new legal framework called atmospheric trust litigation could compel local and state legislators to take action to protect the Earth by convincing courts that ecological protection is the responsibility of the government, held in its trust to ensure the survival of all generations to come.

In March, pope will issue an 'encyclical' on the subject of climate change and human ecology to world's 1.2 billion Catholics. Pope Francis will take on global warming in 2015, with a lengthy speech on human ecology and climate change to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, an address to the United Nations general assembly, and a summit of the world’s main religions, according to the Observer.

Gas subsidiary hit with $2.3 million fine for construction-related damage to West Virginia waterways

In a major victory for people who have been working to stop hydraulic fracturing for gas, known as fracking, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York announced a ban on fracking in New York State.

The UN Climate Talks in Paris next December are shaping up be high noon for the fossil fuel industry.

Tackling the problem of climate change is a serious ethical and moral responsibility, Pope Francis has told negotiators from around the world meeting for a climate summit in Lima, Peru.

I am writing to tell you about a brave 11-year-old boy named Itzcuauhtli (eat-squat-lee). I first saw him in videos with his brother Xiuhtezcatl (shoe-tez-cot), performing hip-hop inspired by their love for the Earth and their indigenous roots.

Environmental and anti-fracking groups on Wednesday launched a new campaign targeting New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as his administration nears a final decision on whether to permit fracking in the state.

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