Zero Climate Emissions

Zero Climate Emissions (85)

Europe continues to lead the world on climate action as Australia lags further behind. This week the European Parliament has begun debate on 2 key reforms to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme – the first being the withdrawal of surplus allowances to raise the price of permits; the second to set a market stability reserve to avoid the low prices that have hampered the scheme for the past several years.

United Houma Nation renews fight for federal recognition in the face of sinking lands and environmental disasters

The fossil fuel industry is condemning us to climate disaster. We must restructure the world energy usage and embark on a renewable revolution.

If it wasn’t about the future of the planet, I’d laugh at the chutzpah. One day after Earth Day, the GOP-led House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, chaired by Texas Congressman Lamar Smith (recipient of more than $600,000 from the oil and gas industry) held a hearing about efforts to ban fracking. Obviously, Big Oil and Gas is mighty worried about the success of the powerful grassroots movement to ban fracking.

Congressmembers Jan Schakowsky of Illinois and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, both Democrats, have made no secret of their strong opposition to fracking. Last December, for instance, as new rules were being formulated on the opening new areas of public lands to energy exploration and extraction, they introduced a bill to ban fracking entirely on public lands.

UPDATE, 11:39 a.m.: All three protesters arrested at the University of Mary Washington on Wednesday evening were released, each on a $1,500 bond.

UMW students Noah Goodwin and Adam Wander, along with Fredericksburg resident Nina Angelini, were released from Rappahannock Regional Jail around midnight to members of the Divest UMW organization.

SHORTLY AFTER University of Mary Washington students began their sit-in in front of President Hurley’s office a member of the board of visitors reportedly said they were “being a pest.”

This reaction suggests that Divest UMW is actually on the right path. History shows us that to attain social change, change that may be difficult and/or costly, it is often necessary to make decision-makers uncomfortable and even outraged.

With reports released this week exposing Harvard University's enormous carbon footprint, students, alumni, faith leaders, and community members are amplifying their call for the prestigious university to divest from its fossil fuel holdings.

AUSTIN, Texas – The boom in West Texas wind-powered electricity generation has delivered a major economic boost to the region, including creation of over 40 new businesses and 30,000 construction jobs in 57 West Texas counties since 2001, according to data collected by Public Citizen’s Texas office.

A North Carolina minister and an environmental watchdog have sent a letter to Duke Energy President and CEO Lynn Good, criticizing the utility giant for targeting African-American community leaders as part of its campaign against rooftop solar.

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