Stop Global Warming is part of PDA's Protect the Earth platform. The team works on the following issues:
- Climate Change
- Green Energy (solar/wind)
- End Fracking
- Nuclear Free
- Utilities make local ratepayers pay for damage the companies cause
- Tax breaks and rebates for Solar and Wind have expired – just when we need them the most
- Fracking, and more, in our areas
Stop Global Warming Statistics
- Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere:
- We must achieve = 350 parts per million
- Beginning of industrial revolution= 290 ppm
- Today = 396 ppm
- September Arctic Sea ice is declining at a rate of 11.5% per decade - ocean levels have risen about 3.16 mm per year in the past 10 years
- 75% of Americans support a carbon tax
Team Accomplishments
- Helped send the Obama Administration more than 400,000 messages saying Ban Fracking on Public Lands
- BlogTalk Radio - Climate Change with Ted Glick
- BlogTalk Radio - Climate Change and Communities of Color with Jacqui Patterson, NAACP
Legislation Our Team Has Endorsed
- HR 3671 (Gabard-HI02) Off Fossil Fuels For a Better Future Act (OFF Act)
- HR 2001 (Cartwright-PA17) Hydrofracking Environment Regulation
- HR 2059 (Polis-CO02) Breathe Act
- HR 2000 (Cartwright-PA17) - Cleaner Act of 2017
How You Can Get Involved
- Join our Google Group
- Join our Facebook Group
Coalition Partners
iMatter Kids vs. Global Warming,, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Hip Hop Caucus, Grist, Climate Progress, Food and Water Watch
Issue Team Leaders
Russell Greene
James Handley
Barbara Warren
Ken Jones
Damien Luzzo