This bill would create a national jobs program, including 3.1 to 6.2 million jobs, and 1 to 2 million additional jobs indirectly over the first two years, in affordable housing, rural and urban community rehabilitation, energy conservation and weatherization, infrastructure repair, education, human services, and first response teams.
Privatization, deregulation and outsourcing are tools for union busting and a major source of job loss. Federal legislation is needed to create jobs and we need to organize and demand it now!
Large banks and other Wall Street firms in conjunction with major corporations engaging in outsourcing and non-productive speculative practices, created an economic crisis from which our country still has not recovered, causing unemployment, foreclosures and homelessness, stagnate or declining wages, increasing income inequality, hunger and insecurity in many families, bankruptcies, a decline in health care access, cuts in badly needed public services and quality education for our children.
America’s roads need repair, our bridges are corroding, our children need more teachers, parents lack affordable childcare, seniors lack elder care, millions lack adequate healthcare, affordable housing is under siege, and we must modernize and green our society; and all of these needs can and should be met by the federal government