This is the first real chance to stop the U.S. killing in at least one of the too many countries where U.S. bombers, pilots, special forces and other parts of the Pentagon's killing machine are deployed.
Skeptical senators have forced a Thursday vote on a small part of the president’s $110 billion agreement. They’re cautiously optimistic.
In an interview with Reuters conducted a month after he took office, Donald Trump asserted that the U.S. had “fallen behind on nuclear capability” and that he wanted the United States to be at the “top of the pack” on nuclear weapons once again.
The CODEPINK Tribunal taking place December 1 and 2, and live streamed by The Real News, is a historic collection of testimonies about the lies and costs of the Iraq war. It takes on new meaning with the incoming Trump administration, and the hawks who are flocking to join that administration with their sights set on starting yet another war in the Middle East, this time in Iran.
By next week, Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen will have continued for a year and a half. In that time the conflict has generated over 10,000 civilian casualties and precipitated an appalling humanitarian crisis. In the wake of the fighting, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS are able to build strength, resources and credibility. It is unquestionably in the national interest of the United States that the conflict in Yemen end immediately. The Obama administration has stated this publicly.
Strikes in northern Yemen on Saturday reportedly killed two children and first responders as US-backed coalition continues 'disturbing' strikes
President Obama is facing a dilemma over legislation allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts.
The House rallied behind the legislation on Friday, passing it by unanimous voice vote. The Senate had already passed the same legislation unanimously.
Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign against Yemen’s Houthi rebels has created a humanitarian crisis, with opposition finally emerging in Congress to the U.S. assistance in the bloodbath, writes Jonathan Marshall.
Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) led a bipartisan group of 64 Members of Congress in sending a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to postpone the sale of new arms to Saudi Arabia. The goal is to give Congress sufficient time to debate the merits of the deal in light of the Saudi-led Coalition’s operational conduct in Yemen.
Rep. Ted Lieu [D-CA], Rep. Ted Yoho [R-FL], Rep. John Conyers [D-MI], and Rep. Mick Mulvaney [R-SC] are circulating the following letter asking President Obama to postpone the planned arms sale to Saudi Arabia so that Congress can meaningfully debate it.]
Since 2001, terrorism and instability have increased wherever the U.S. has intervened militarily. We call on the President and Congress to rethink the false premises of an ever-expanding "global war on terror" in which Western-led alliances of absolute monarchs, corrupt governments and proxy forces fight endlessly proliferating enemies in more and more countries.
The Obama administration's final Pentagon budget calls for quadrupling spending on efforts to counter Russia.
In November 2015 I traveled to Syria with an International Peace delegation. This was my third visit to Syria in the last three years. As on previous occasions, I was moved by the spirit of resilience and courage of the people of Syria.
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