Expand Medicaid NOW!

Expand Medicaid NOW! (24)

Asa Hutchinson could never be considered a moderate Republican. A strong anti-choice, anti-social issues Republican, Hutchinson was elected to serve as Arkansas governor 2 years ago with a strong win, 55%, in part due to his opposition to President Obama.

On the campaign trial, Gov.-elect John Bel Edwards promised time and again that he would expand the rolls of Medicaid on his first day in office. His promise to reverse repeated rejections of expanded Medicaid by Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal and open the government health insurance program to more low-income workers was a cornerstone of the Democrat’s campaign. But legal realities have caused Edwards to back off, at least for the time being, while his incoming administration works through a legal glitch raised by the Legislature’s fiscal advisers.

NYC's public health system is a case study in how state budget cuts and Medicaid changes risk shuttering hospitals

Kansas Republicans have stood fervently in opposition to ACA and Medicaid Expansion. In a floor speech during the tax debate, Mary Pilcher-Cook (R-Johnson County) referred to Medicaid expansion as "evil," and during a conference committee handed out leaflets noting the "evils of Obamacare" as a reason to look at charging insurance providers a fee in the state of Kansas.

At first glance, Florida and Montana don’t seem to have much in common. Florida is home to beautiful beaches and the subtropical Everglades; in Montana, we’re better known for our blue-ribbon trout streams and glacial mountain peaks.

In a new feature, Bloomberg zeros in on the impending closure of Baton Rouge General Medical Center’s Mid City emergency room, calling it “a real-world ripple effect of the ideological clash over President Barack Obama’s health-care law.”

WASHINGTON — Gov. Steven L. Beshear of Kentucky released a study Thursday predicting that his expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act would generate a positive fiscal impact of nearly $1 billion for the state over the next seven years.

Gov. Bill Haslam is calling a special session of the legislature to hear his answer to Medicaid expansion: "Insure Tennessee," a two-year pilot program that would provide health care to more than 200,000 Tennesseans who lack direct access to coverage.

Several Republican governors are considering implementing, or have implemented, ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion in their states. Indiana’s Mike Pence is the latest, announcing a new deal this week that abandons conservative principles by adding 400,000 able-bodied adults to the Medicaid rolls, costing taxpayers $3 billion a year.

Seen from a purely political vantage, this hasn’t been the greatest week for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who is often mentioned as a potential dark horse for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. For one thing, the 2016 aspirant whose profile most closely resembles Pence’s, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, is riding a boomlet following his strong performance at a conservative cattle call in Iowa last weekend.

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