My guest this week is Heather Booth, friend, co-worker , organizer and legendary civil rights activist. Listen live at 8pm Eastern on June 14th.

Saturday, 05 March 2016 00:00

Let Me Vote/Count My Vote

The U.S. election system—and the democracy it was formed to protect—are under siege. If we want to save the promise of “government by the people” we need to do something—and fast.

In case you missed the memo, here’s where we are: U.S. public policy and most of our legislation no longer serve the people. That’s because U.S. politics is dominated by Big Money. Social and environmental progress is being blocked by elected officials who cater to big donors and the corporate-backed special interest groups who control re-election funds.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014 00:00

What’s at Stake if We Don’t Vote?

Today’s Republican in-your–face racism should remind us why 50 years ago African Americans marched for the right to vote. The ‘Freedom Fighters’ suffered inhumane attacks both physically and psychologically enduring harsh blows from billy clubs, water hosing and attack dogs as well as harrowing verbal assault and more so that Black people today would be accepted and respected as citizens with the right to vote.

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