Email your Representative. Tell them to cosponsor HJRes 53 - Remove the Ratification Deadline from the Equal Rights Amendment. this is now a 2 state strategy!
Forty-five years to the day after Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment, Nevada became the first state in 40 years to approve the provision that would enshrine women’s rights in the U.S. Constitution.
Tomorrow marks the seventh anniversary of the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was designed to help ensure that women earn equal pay relative to men for doing the same work. Currently, median hourly pay for women is only 82.9 percent of the median wage for men ($15.21 versus $18.35).
The Equal Rights Amendment cleared the floor of the Virginia Senate for the fifth time in six years. SJ1, sponsored by Senator Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax), passed 21-19 on Tuesday on a near-party line vote with most Senate Republicans opposed.
As if having their body parts and body functions mocked by pigs like Donald Trump isn’t bad enough, just being a woman in America also comes with a high financial cost. And it isn’t just the 21 percent wage gap between women and men, either. It’s the deliberately higher cost of goods marketed to women.
At the Toronto International Film Festival earlier this month, Director Michael Moore used the world premiere of his latest film, Where to Invade Next, to help draw attention to Meryl Streep’s Equal Rights Amendment advocacy.
Meryl Streep, political leader? Director Michael Moore suggested onstage at the Toronto Film Festival premiere of his latest movie, “Where to Invade Next,” that the Oscar-winning star of “The Iron Lady” and “Silkwood” could somehow get the dormant Equal Rights Amendment passed.
Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
No actor or actress can match Meryl Streep's 19 Academy Award nominations, and only Katharine Hepburn has bested her three Oscars for acting. So maybe it's conceivable that Streep's letter Tuesday to each member of Congress can somehow revive the Equal Rights Amendment, politically dormant since its high-water mark four decades ago.
Organizer Janette Dean’s remarks:
Welcome, sisters! Welcome, brothers!
Today, we stand up and walk together through our state Legislature–united in hope, united in strength, and united in the wisdom that human rights for all is the only path for a civilized society, the only road possible for an acceptable present and future.
Roberta Madden wants to live to see the day the Equal Rights Amendment is added to the U.S. Constitution. At 78, the Black Mountain resident fears she is running out of time.
Now that Arquette has called out the naked emperor, the question is, who will provide the leadership to harness the groundswell of energy released by her battle cry? This is the moment to push for the ERA.
ERA is ‘in the air,’ according to the NC National Organization for Women. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is the topic of a new book – “Equal Means Equal, Why the Time for the Equal Rights Amendment is NOW” by Jessica Neuwirth in 2015.
RICHMOND — In 1972, when Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment and asked states to ratify it, “The Godfather” was No. 1 at the box office, people talked on rotary telephones and women made up about one-third of the U.S. workforce.
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