Expand Medicaid NOW!

Expand Medicaid NOW! (24)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion offers a significant opportunity to increase coverage and improve access to care for individuals experiencing homelessness, who historically have had high uninsured rates and often have multiple, complex physical and mental health needs.

DURHAM, NC: The North Carolina NAACP has sent a letter to Governor Pat McCrory and Senator-Elect Thom Tillis requesting to meet with them in order to discuss Medicaid Expansion. Since Veterans Day is tomorrow, the NC NAACP considers this an especially appropriate time to start a serious dialogue, given that more than 23,000 veterans in North Carolina would gain healthcare under the Medicaid Expansion. Below are copies of each letter:

Date on which the North Carolina NAACP held a mock funeral in Raleigh to protest North Carolina politicians' refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act: 10/20/2014

The Senate Finance Committee advanced a new state budget without Medicaid expansion, but the deal fast-tracked by legislative leaders was delayed Thursday night after a Republican senator proposed an amendment aimed at preventing Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe from expanding the program without General Assembly approval.

A group of his constituents met last week with Del. Michael J. Webert (R-18th/Marshall) to tell him how lack of adequate health care affects them and to enlist his support for a solution. From all ages and walks of life, they met Thursday, Aug. 7, at the cooperative extension service office in Warrenton.

In last spring’s Republican primary, U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis ran an ad touting his fight against an expanded Medicaid program. “Thom Tillis has a proven record fighting against Obamacare,” the narrator said. “Tillis stopped Obama’s Medicaid expansion cold. It’s not happening in North Carolina, and it’s because of Thom Tillis.”

Fear of Ebola has been climbing steadily in the United States since Tuesday's announcement that a Liberian traveler in Dallas, Thomas Eric Duncan, was diagnosed with the disease after having been in Texas for eight days. A month ago, a Harvard School of Public Health poll found that 39 percent of Americans thought an Ebola outbreak would come to the United States, and 26 percent felt concerned that they or a member of their family would get the disease.

Let me begin this news article by saying that this is not an “objective news story” but a first person account of what happened last Thursday, August 28, 2014 when seven of us, including myself were arrested for trespassing, when we refused to leave the State Capitol in Montgomery at closing time.

States that refuse to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion aren't just leaving behind poor residents, they're also hurting hospitals' bottom lines.

Because the Affordable Care Act cut the number of people with no health insurance this year, hospitals across the country will see $5.7 billion less in unpaid bills, according to a report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services Wednesday.

Republican lawmakers in Florida and Texas snubbed the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion for adults, but their states did broaden the program this year — for school-age children.

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