The Obama administration said it would not authorize construction on a critical stretch of the Dakota Access pipeline, handing a significant victory to the Indian tribe fighting the project the same day the group lost a court battle.

Published in Zero Climate Emissions
Friday, 09 September 2016 00:00

Obama’s huge Saudi 9/11 dilemma

President Obama is facing a dilemma over legislation allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts.

The House rallied behind the legislation on Friday, passing it by unanimous voice vote. The Senate had already passed the same legislation unanimously.

Published in Peace and Diplomacy

Critics say TPP represents an anti-democratic set of policies that have more to do with consolidating corporate power across international borders than boosting so-called "free trade"

Monday, 08 December 2014 00:00

VA Struggles to Help Homeless Vets

President Obama has created a number of initiatives to end homelessness among veterans in the United States. And while many of those programs have helped get thousands of veterans off the streets, others have fallen short.

Published in End Homelessness Now

In a speech before CEOs of major U.S. corporations, Obama indicates he's ready to go head-to-head with Democrats, labor unions, and environmentalists on trade deals

The Obama administration has asked Congress for more than $6 billion in emergency funding to fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and secure the United States against further spread of the deadly virus.

Published in Ebola Crisis